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Share.isPackageInstalled (Android only)

It's a simple method that check if a package-name is installed with the Intent on Android. Similar to and Share.single this method will return a Promise, which will be fulfilled when the native code successfully check for the application.

Using a promise implementation:

.then((response) => {
// { isInstalled: true/false, message: 'Package is Installed' }
.catch((error) => {
// { error }

Or with async/await:

const checkPackage = async () => {
const { isInstalled } = await Share.isPackageInstalled('');

Don't forget to add queries for Android SDK >= 30. Check package visibility on Android

Keep in mind, that similar to and Share.single it's a good idea using a try/catch whenever a call to this method is requested.

For iOS you can use the Linking.canOpenURL(instagram://) where the url is the app scheme that you want to check. Also, note that calling the isPackageInstalled on iOS will return a Error: Not implemented.