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The shareSingle() method allows a user to share a premade message via a single prechosen social medium. In other words, code specifies both the message that will be sent and the social medium through which the message will be sent. The user chooses only to whom the message is sent. This shared message may contain text, one or more files, or both.

Open the share dialog with the specific application. This returns a promise similar to, keep in mind that you will need to handle the same response when the user cancel/dismiss.

Using a promise implementation:

  const shareOptions = {
title: 'Share via',
message: 'some message',
url: 'some share url',
social: Share.Social.WHATSAPP,
whatsAppNumber: "9199999999", // country code + phone number
filename: 'test' , // only for base64 file in Android

.then((res) => { console.log(res) })
.catch((err) => { err && console.log(err); });

Or with async/await:

  const shareOptions = {
title: 'Share via',
message: 'some message',
url: 'some share url',
social: Share.Social.WHATSAPP,
whatsAppNumber: "9199999999", // country code + phone number
filename: 'test' , // only for base64 file in Android

const fun = async () => {
const shareResponse = await Share.shareSingle(shareOptions);

*Note that in the case of a user closing the share sheet without sharing, an error will be thrown. It is up to you to handle this error, i.e.:

   try {
const shareResponse = await Share.shareSingle(shareOptions);
} catch (error) {
// handle error

Supported Options

You can pass the option that will be handled by the native code, similar to

urlstringURL you want to share
urlsstring[]URL you want to share (it only works for EMAIL case)
typestringFile mime type (required for sharing file with INSTAGRAM)
filenamestringCustom file name for email attachment
messagestringMessage sent to the share activity
titlestringTitle sent to the share activity
subjectstringSubject sent when sharing to email
emailstringEmail of addressee
recipientstringPhone number of SMS recipient🚫
socialstringsupported social apps: List🚫
forceDialogboolean(optional) only android. Avoid showing dialog with buttons Just Once / Always. Useful for Instagram to always ask user if share as Story or Feed
useInternalStoragebooleanStore the temporary file in the internal storage cache (Android only)🚫🚫

NOTE: If both message and url are provided, url will be concatenated to the end of message to form the body of the message. If only one is provided it will be used

Supported Applications

react-native-share export a enum containing all supported apps, wich can be seen here.



Share Instagram Stories

These values can be used when you are calling the method Share.single passing the attributes that you need (You can combine these attributes, Story will use properties that you pass).

import Share from 'react-native-share';

const shareOptions = {
backgroundImage: 'http://urlto.png',
stickerImage: 'data:image/png;base64,<imageInBase64>', //or you can use "data:" link
backgroundBottomColor: '#fefefe',
backgroundTopColor: '#906df4',
attributionURL: 'http://deep-link-to-app', //in beta
social: Share.Social.INSTAGRAM_STORIES,
appId: 'your_fb_app_id' // required since Jan 2023 (see:


Supported options for INSTAGRAM_STORIES:

appIdstring(required) facebook app ID❗️required
backgroundImagestringURL you want to share
stickerImagestringURL you want to share
backgroundBottomColorstringdefault #837DF4
backgroundTopColorstringdefault #906df4
attributionURLstring(optional) facebook beta-test
backgroundVideostringURL you want to share
linkUrlstring(optional) A URL to be used as a link in the shared content.
linkTextstring(optional) Text to be used as a link in the shared content.

Share image to Instagram

import Share, { Social } from 'react-native-share'

await Share.shareSingle({
social: Share.Social.INSTAGRAM,
url: 'data:image/png;base64,<imageInBase64>',
type: 'image/*'

Note: Your app's user must accept "All Photos" when prompted about photo permissions otherwise they may get a "Something went wrong" error.

Share remote videos to Instagram

Instagram tries to select the very last file of the cameraroll so you have to save videos to the cameraroll in case you want to share them to Instagram.

import Share from 'react-native-share';
import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob';
import CameraRoll from '@react-native-community/cameraroll';

const cache = await RNFetchBlob.config({
fileCache: true,
appendExt: 'mp4',
}).fetch('GET', "YOUR OWN REMOTE VIDEO URL", {});
const gallery = await, 'video');
await Share.shareSingle({
social: Share.Social.INSTAGRAM,
url: gallery,
type: "video/*"

Opening Instagram Share Screen (Camera view)

By default IG opens New post view with Camera View. There you can find also story and gallery view to pick multiple pictures to publish.

Android + IOS

import Share from 'react-native-share';

const shareOptions = {
url: 'instagram://camera',
social: Share.Social.INSTAGRAM



import Share from 'react-native-share';

const shareOptions = {
url: 'instagram://share',
social: Share.Social.INSTAGRAM


URL patterns like instagram:// can be used on Android, but works different then documented for IOS


Static Values for Facebook Stories

These values can be used when you are calling the method Share.single passing the attributes that you need (You can combine these attributes, Story will use properties that you pass).

import Share from 'react-native-share';

const shareOptions = {
backgroundVideo: 'URI_TO_MP4', // Android only (uri to a local file)
backgroundImage: 'http://urlto.png', // url or an base64 string
stickerImage: 'data:image/png;base64,<imageInBase64>', //or you can use "data:" url
backgroundBottomColor: '#fefefe',
backgroundTopColor: '#906df4',
attributionURL: 'http://deep-link-to-app', //in beta
appId: '219376304', //facebook appId
social: Share.Social.FACEBOOK_STORIES


Supported options for FACEBOOK_STORIES:

appIdstring(required) facebook appId
backgroundImage*stringURL you want to share (iOS) / URI to a local file (Android)
backgroundVideo*stringURI to a local file (Android only)
stickerImage*stringURL you want to share (iOS) / URI to a local file (Android)
backgroundBottomColorstring(optional) default #837DF4
backgroundTopColorstring(optional) default #906df4
attributionURLstring(optional) facebook beta-test

* check the platform specific documentation (Android/iOS) to understand the differences between them.


Share Intent to Telegram

title: 'Share via',
message: 'some message',
url: 'some share url',
social: Share.Social.TELEGRAM,


Share Intent to Viber

title: 'Share via',
message: 'some message',
url: 'some share url',
social: Share.Social.VIBER,